Christians, Please Stop Lying On God

by Rev. Michael Johnson

Often in American National Elections we hear Christians say “God chose this leader.” Christian leaders with large platforms often proclaim that every election result that they like is part of God’s divine will.

They bend scripture to make their candidate divine. They quote familiar scriptures to coerce Christians to perform their “Civic Duty” and when the candidate that they like wins you will hear them say God selected the leader and put him in office. These types of assertions are misleading and can harm both believers and those outside the faith. Spiritualized partisan politics is one example of the kind of affair that God does not want his children entangled in.

Now, if we are honest, we know historically this is not the first time that Christians took scripture out of context to fulfill their own desires and claimed that it was God’s will. Christians have colonized, pillaged, enslaved and murdered various cultures around the globe and said it was God’s Will. Folks, this is bad theology in action and its time that Christians everywhere stop lying on God
Here’s why it’s time for us to stop claiming divine endorsement in politics.

  1. America is Not Israel
    America is not God’s chosen nation, nor is it under the Old Covenant. Unlike Israel in the Bible, America is a republic operating under a democratic government, not a theocracy. We elect our leaders through democratic processes, and this means we, the people, ultimately decide who’s in power not God.
  2. America is not a Christian nation.
    No matter how much it stings, this is the truth. If America were a Christian nation, every law would align with scripture, there would be no legal sin, everyone would be worshiping God on Sundays in a church. No other faith would be allowed to be practiced in America except for Christianity. But that’s not the case. “Sorry Kingdom Now” followers no matter what you do America will never be a Christian Nation.
  3. A nation within a nation.
    The Body of Christ is a holy nation within the secular nations of the world. Christians are called to be a holy nation within an idolatrous world (1 Pet 2:9), a spiritual Babylon (Rev 18:4) where Satan holds sway over worldly systems and unbelievers obey him as his children (Eph 2:2-3).” God has called us to be separated and not entangled in this world’s affairs.
    Scripture calls believers to live as ‘aliens and strangers’ in this world (1 Peter 2:11) and reminds us that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20). Christ prayed for His followers to be in the world but not of it (John 17:14-16), setting us apart to embody His kingdom values rather than those of earthly systems. Our primary allegiance, then, is not to any nation or political system but to God’s kingdom.
  4. Free Will and Accountability
    God gave humanity a “Free Will” this means every human being has the freedom to choose without God intervening and stopping their choice. Just because God allowed you to have what you wanted—never overriding your free will—does not mean He approves of your choice. His granting humanity the freedom to choose does not imply His approval of every decision we make’
    Our choices carry consequences and do not exist in a vacuum.
  5. Theology Matters
    The way we view God shapes our understanding and actions. Bad theology—like claiming God chooses national leaders—leads to spiritual confusion and can alienate people from God.
    Romans 13:1-2 says, “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.”
    Many use this verse stating that God selects or chooses leaders. This is not true. God established the concepts of Authority, Oversight and Leadership; he never chooses leaders.
    God values order and has established structures like authority, oversight, and leadership to ensure that order is maintained. Scriptures like 1 Corinthians 14:33—”For God is not a God of confusion but of peace”—and 1 Corinthians 14:40—”But all things should be done decently and in order”—support the idea that God values order and intentional structure.
    God set up the framework for governance but allows human free will to operate within it. This view resonates with passages where God provides guidelines for leadership and authority but permits people to make choices within that structure. For instance, in the Old Testament, God allowed Israel to choose a king even though it was not His original design (1 Samuel 8).

With that said, God does not select world leaders, Kings, or Presidents. Through various man-made processes these leaders are put into place and given power. Here in America, we elect our leaders through a democratic process that includes the Electoral College.

When Christians claim that God “chose” a leader, they inadvertently are attributing everything that the leader does to God; all the good but also all the evil. This can marginalize those who suffer under poor leadership. God is a good God and Jesus Christ is a good Lord. We want the world to know that God is good and that he does not play partisan politics selecting leaders.

Those that voted for any President must own their decision and choice and all the good, bad and ugly that comes with it. Do not put it off on God.

By keeping our theology sound and refraining from misrepresenting God’s role in governance, we honor Him and encourage others to pursue a genuine understanding of faith

So, please, Christians everywhere stop lying to God. It’s your choice, not God’s, own it; but there is a much better way. God’s will is for the believer not to be entangled in these affairs but to act as an intercessor and pray for all that in authority for God will be done.

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