The Surprising Truth About Waiting on God: Are You Doing It Right

by Rev. Michael Johnson

What It Really Means to Wait on God

Waiting on God isn’t just about being patient. 

It’s about actively binding, twisting, and wrapping yourself around the scriptures that promise what you’re believing God to accomplish in your life. 

When you hold onto God’s promises by: 

  • Reading them 
  • Meditating on them, and 
  • Speaking them aloud

You place yourself in a position of truly waiting on God. But let’s be clear—waiting isn’t passive. It doesn’t mean you simply ask in prayer and then walk away, forgetting what you asked for. 

Instead, it’s about actively intertwining your faith with God’s promises. 

Wrap yourself in His Word, continually thank Him that it’s already done, and watch as He brings it to pass. 

When we wait on God like this, we won’t be disappointed.

Scriptures to Reflect On:

Isaiah 49:23

“…those who wait for me shall not be put to shame.”

Lamentations 3:25

“The LORD is good to them that wait for him, to the soul that seeks him.” 

Hebrews 6:15

“And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise.”


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